Bulging Varicose Veins


Bulging Varicose Veins

Bulging varicose veins are far more common than you might think. But many people with bulging varicose veins avoid wearing shorts, skirts, and bathing suits. That’s a shame, because treatment for bulging varicose veins is easy and highly effective.
Bulging veins are usually too large for sclerotherapy to work well. Fortunately, we use modern microphlectomy techniques rather than “stripping”. Under local anesthesia given in the office, Dr. Bock makes tiny “micro-incisions”. He then removes the varicose veins with a special instrument. No sutures are necessary—just a few days in stockings.

Patients are encouraged to do lots of walking immediately after microphlebectomy, and they return to normal activities in a day or two. The microphlebectomy sites soon become almost impossible to see.

41-year-old schoolteacher with aching and throbbing of the right leg



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Asheville, NC 28803

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