Deep, Aching, Painful Legs
Deep, Aching, Painful Legs Treatments
Backwards flow in the saphenous veins can act like a trap door, causing abnormally high vein pressures and poor vein circulation out of the leg. In the old days, treatment was painful and involved open incisions and stripping of the abnormal veins. Breakthrough technology came almost 20 years ago: first with laser ablation of the abnormal veins, later with radio frequency ablation, or RFA (which is less painful than laser).
People often ask, “Don’t I need that (abnormal) vein?” The answer is a resounding NO, because 95% of the blood flow out of the legs is carried by the normal, deep veins. When an abnormal saphenous vein flows backwards, it makes these deep veins work much harder. They can’t keep up, and so the leg becomes congested with blood in all the veins—causing the aching, pain, and swelling.
Once the abnormal vein is sealed closed with RFA, all of the normal veins can do their job, and vein circulation improves dramatically.
Free Your Legs
Contact Us
Flexible Appointments Available
Call — 828-210-7990
Fax — 828-210-7988
1091 Hendersonville Rd
Asheville, NC 28803
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